SBEM – Simplified Building Energy Model

Simplified Building Energy Model (SBEM) is the National Calculation Method (NCM) for the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). SBEM allows the actual calculation to be carried out either by approved simulation software or by a new simplified tool based on a set of CEN standards. SBEM can help with the design process however, it was not intended as a design tool.

The National Calculation Method (NCM) for the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) is detailed by the department for Communities and Local Government (CLG). SBEM (Simplified Building Energy Model) is a Government defined process in accordance with Part L Building Control Regulations. It is a calculation of the energy performance of new commercial, industrial or retail buildings.

The process for demonstrating compliance with the Building Regulations for buildings other than dwellings is:

  • by calculating the annual energy use for a proposed building
  • comparing it with the energy use of a comparable ‘notional’ building.

Both calculations take into account and utilise standard sets of data for varying activity areas and utilise a common databases of construction and service elements. A similar procedure is followed to produce a ‘asset rating’ in accordance with the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).

Simplified Building Energy Model (SBEM):

  • Provides analysis of a building’s energy consumption.
  • SBEM calculates monthly energy use and carbon dioxide emissions of a building

Via analysis and assessment of:

  • The building geometry
  • Construction method
  • Activity and use of the building
  • HVAC and lighting equipment.

The intention of SBEM and its interface iSBEM is to produce reliable, consistent evaluations of energy consumption in non-domestic buildings for Building Regulations Compliance and in regard to producing an Energy Performance Certificate.